Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2 - Art Truck Batttle 2 [NTSC-J][SLPS-02465~6] ISO

Version System Size
JP Sony Playstation 444MB



Game Description

Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu (Art Truck Battle) was a massive title in Japan as the driver steers a massive truck against a rival firm to be the first to deliver the consignment. The Battle of the title comes from the dirty tricks required to cut off the rival driver to win the race. The Art comes from the delightful designs that can be added to the truck with a few bob in your pocket complete with flashing chilli lights for the dashboard a sign of good taste on the highways of Japan.

Source :

Screenshoot & Cover

Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2 - Art Truck Batttle 2 Front Cover
Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2 - Art Truck Batttle 2 Back Cover
Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2 - Art Truck Batttle 2

Download Link (Mediafire)

MF & Tinypaste password : indoemu
Perhatian : Gabungkan file menggunakan HJ-Split lalu extract menggunakan WinRAR atau 7-Zip.
Jika file game memiliki extensi .ecm, extract file .ecm menggunakan unecm. Untuk lebih jelas silahkan baca selengkapnya pada halaman F.A.Q


  1. agan minta bantuannya. Game ini udah jalan, tapi ngak tau cara nyimpannya?

  2. kok pas di play cuma item doang gan gak muncul apa apa ? ane main di laptop gan

  3. bang, koq pas klick download. malah muncul "Akses Laman Web Ditolak" ya?

  4. bang,gimana sih cara instalnya

  5. mas gimana sih cara ngeinstalnya
