Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Art truck Battle [NTSC-J][SLPS-01441] ISO

Version System Size
JP Sony Playstation 354MB



Game Description

Massive title in Japan as the driver steers a massive truck against a rival firm to be the first to deliver the consignment. The "Battle" of the title comes from the dirty tricks required to cut off the rival driver to win the race. The "Art" comes from the delightful designs that can be added to the truck with a few bob in your pocket complete with flashing chilli lights for the dashboard a sign of good taste on the highways of Japan.

Creative truckers can also spend some time creating their own designs.

The object of game is to race two Trucks down the highways of Japan, and the first driver to deliver their cargo wins the prize money. The "Battle" part comes into play because it is a very brutal race, with both trucks cutting each other off, rear ending one another, smashing into each other, and running into helpless passing motorists in order to slow down the other opponent.

Source :

Screenshoot & Cover

Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Art truck Battle Front Cover
Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Art truck Battle Back Cover
Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Art truck Battle

Download Link (Mediafire)

MF & Tinypaste password : indoemu
Perhatian : Gabungkan file menggunakan HJ-Split lalu extract menggunakan WinRAR atau 7-Zip.
Jika file game memiliki extensi .ecm, extract file .ecm menggunakan unecm. Untuk lebih jelas silahkan baca selengkapnya pada halaman F.A.Q


  1. thx bro, berkat postingan ini, gw jd bisa nemu nama aslinya apa!

  2. gan cara gabungin part nya gmna gan.?
    klo pake HJ Split gmna gan.?
    tolong pencerahannya...??

    1. download dulul HJ-Split di sini

      kalo udah di-download, buka hjsplit, klik "JOIN"
      cari file yang mau digabungin.
      file yang ekstensinya .001
      semua file harus dalam 1 folder yang sama.

      kalo udah digabungin, tinggal di-extract.
      klik kanan, terus klik "extract here"

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. gan xq gg bisa di gabunging??? hasilnya malah 7z?? tolong jelasin gan...

    1. file 7z nya extract pake winrar atau winzip gan.

  5. hasilnya di winrar / zip msih sama 7z gan...

  6. gan tolong kirimin gamenya donk tp lewat email aja bisa gak??

  7. gan bisa gak gamenya kirim lewat email??
    truz kalo bisa kirimin ke email saya please gan ane kangen banget sama game itu!!
